Quote of the Week

"One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty councils."
- Woodrow Wilson

Monday, December 30, 2024

I don't make New Years resolutions, but...

 Waiting for a semi-random point in the earth's annual orbit around the sun seems like a strange reason to reflect on one's life and make promises to oneself to improve it, if you overthink it. Why not put in place a plan to improve whenever you see an opportunity or need? But around the time the year changes, one can't help but to reflect.

As this year winds down, I can't stop but look back at how crazy 2024 was and think 2025 is probably snickering and saying "hold my beer and watch this." I could try to list off all the wild and concerning events of 2024 locally, nationally and worldwide that come to mind. But let's just sum it all up that it looks like we're getting close to critical mass with the world as we know it self destructing.

With all that negativity around us, and a real potential of real tough times ahead one my ask themselves what are the going to do about something that they cannot not change or stop? You're going to have to find your own answer, but mine is to change myself.

Not to sound like a doomsday prepper, but it's hard not to sound like a doomsday prepper. There is almost a certainty that there is going to be some significant impacts to my life from factors far from my control. From possible interruptions or shortages of goods and services I've have taken for granted, to civil unrest and natural disasters directly impacting me. Many things that I can not stop, avoid and possibly won't even see coming. But I can change myself.

I can't stop bad times but I can adapt if or when they come. 

As 2025 closes in, I am focusing on improvements I need to make in my life to make it easier and better. It basically comes down to simplifying it, getting my house both figuratively and literally in order, and enjoying life more with less. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Let's start over. Again. For like, the 5th time or something.

 I started this blog many, many years ago. 

Been somewhat active with it for a while then stopped. This repeated many times.

I completely forgot about this for several years now, until a few minutes before I started typing.

I was relaxing on the couch reading a self improvement book and the author mentioned his blog he started before social media really kicked off in the mid 2000's. Then I remembered... me too.

So hear I am. I looked at the last few blog posts I had here and they were similar to this. A series of failed and forgotten reboots of this blog. 

That looked depressing, so I did something drastic. I purged the entire blog. I just deleted without even looking at them over 250 blog posts going back 20 years.

Lets see where it goes from here.