Quote of the Week

"One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty councils."
- Woodrow Wilson

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Don't Make Resolutions; Make Realistic, Measurable Goals.

Don't make resolutions; make realistic, measurable goals. I can't stress that enough. Resolutions are just dreams or wishes. Realistic, measurable goals are an actual plan with trackable milestones. Don't just figure out what you want from 2014, figure out and stick to a real plan to make it happen.

Both in your personal life and professional, merely setting goals alone won't get you anywhere. They need to be realistic. They need to be measurable. And most importantly, you need to keep vigilant with it and see it through.

Write your goals down and keep them posted where you will always see them. Set deadlines and milestones to keep and track. Stay focus on the end result. Keep things realistic and achievable.

If your goal is to get your finances in order, I can not recommend reading The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness. I read this book a few years ago and it really changed how I looked at handling my finances.

It took me a while to put it into practice, because like many, I shrugged off much of the advice in the book. Once I gave it an honest try, I saw real results. Now I live on a written budget that I write for each month and I am really seeing the results now.

Happy New Years, everyone! I wish you all a safe, healthy, and productive 2014. Good Luck with your realistic, measurable goals!

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